
Master a spiral dive in paragliding

Understand the Spiral Dive in paragliding The spiral dive is not really an accurate trick but one of the most essential manoeuvres to learn since it's the best height losing manoeuvre. Together with the food stall, these are the two most important manoeuvring skills for general safety in paragliding. During a fast spiral dive, the…
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We feel unstoppable

How are you guys? We hope that you and your loved ones are well. It seems that the worst moment of this pandemic has passed, at least over here, in Spain, and we may go back to fly again. If everything is fine, our Paragliding Centre will be open again from June 28th. Our staff…
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Cross-country on the beach!

Paragliding XC Flight on the coast "Is it possible to fly cross-country on the beach?" That was the question of most of the participants in our last Paragliding Cross-country  Training Camp when we offered them to fly on the coast. One of the best coastal paragliding spots is Matalascanas, Spain There is a 20 km…
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