
Erin’s short story

PARAGLIDING HAS SO MANY FEELINGS! "When Jose told me to move to Algodonales, I told him that I would, but I wanted to make a movie about it. Little did I know, Leo Yeung, a television producer in Hong Kong and fellow paragliding pilot, has started grabbing video of me and my ZERO GRAVITY babes.…
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Epic XC Camp at Algodonales!

Motivation: the cornerstone for cross-country flights In my opinion, motivation is the cornerstone for cross-country flights; in fact, motivation is the motor for everything in Life! Take a pilot, give him the best paraglider ever, on the best day with cumulus clouds, with the best harness,... but if he is not motivated, he probably will land…
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The Neolithic flying man

The dream of flying How long have the Man wished to fly? Probably from the moment the humans watched a bird and wondered How? There are thousands of tales, legends, stories, myths that talk about Man's dream of flying. It is something that has been inside us from the very beginning. No paragliding? Let's do…
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